Friday, November 26, 2010

We are in sunny and hot Mozambique….and loving it.
Any country that has an AK-47 on it’s national flag has to be a party type of place.
The border crossing was fun. There was endless paper work, finger prints, photos…etc, etc. We were later told they only do that to justify the huge expense for visa’s purchased at the border. At the boarder they cost 82USD, where as,  at the Embassy they cost 8USD (but take all day). Our little ‘fixer’ guy said to pay the border guard 100RND (apx 20 AUD) and he would not inspect our car or hold us up ( I assumed this was a lawful exemption fee, supported by legislation). We sailed through the boarder no problems.
The roads in Mozambique are infested with armed police check points. They are only traffic cops, but they do seem to wield some influence….that may be because they are all armed with AK-47’s! When ever we approached one they looked at Larry and just waved us on laughing…perhaps they just thought we were too poor to pay a bribe.
Our fist night was in the Captial, Maputo.  I thought it was a dump. We stayed in a backpackers for the night and were told ‘it’s safe to walk to dinner, but definitely catch a cab back….or you will be mugged. We drove to dinner.
We have been in Tofo on the East Coast for a few days now and it is divine. White sands, crystal water. We rented a little house right on the beach, and are just living the high life. Booze and sea food is dirt cheap.
We did a snorkel with whale sharks yesterday which was just breath taking. I swam at arms length from one for a few minutes, and no photo could do it justice.
Tomorrow we push North to the  first of the archipelagos before heading inland.

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