Monday, November 1, 2010


Well, we are here and the smell of adventure is teasing us through the city streets of Capetown. Tanya has been referring to Capetown as 'Africa Lite' know your in Africa, but there's just no taste.

The flight in was a horror, it was 26hrs of travel, and most of it though unseasonal turbulence. We wandered around Singapore Airport for six hours in the middle of the night staring at the other fluro lit, lifeless zombies who were as out of whack as we were. But nothing fixes jet lag like buying tax free booze in bulk.

On Saturday we climbed Table mountain...which would kill normal people, luckily we have been training hard for our trip.
Table mountain is pretty amazing, each night the clouds 'pour' over it into the sea. From the living room of our 'little house' I can look out each night and watch the event.

On Sunday we went to Robbin Island, which for the un-educated is where Mr Mandela spent the better part of his imprisonment. What ever you may think about South Africa or it's history, I can only imagine the courage, strength and determination of that man to live out that horrible place, and then raise to become the leader of a nation.

We picked up Larry on Monday, and whilst it went without any huge problems we have learnt that 5 minutes in Africa means 1 hour.... almost to the second, perhaps we just loose the meaning in translation. That being said, Larry is here and fine.

Tomorrow we head off to Stellenbosch, and then to the south coast. Bring on surfing with the white pointers at Jeffery's Bay.


  1. Picture looks amazing. Have a great time. Glad to hear Larry is well and reunited with his parents.

  2. Hi Tanya & Dave

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful picture, it is amazing. You look so happy and relaxed which is great. I am glad that everything to date has worked out and that Larry is safe and sound.

    Miss our chats over the screen and your smiling face.

    Take care and look forward to reading more about your African adventure.


Join us on our adventure