Thursday, November 11, 2010

At last Animals!!!

Well Dave is lovingly washing Larry so I have got the blog today at last (Dave doesn't seem to let the facts get in the way of a good story or a laugh at my expense).

Well the last few days we have finally made it into the game parks - Imfolowze in KwaZulu Natal. We managed to see zebra, rhino, giraffes, baboon and lots of different versions of deers  with antlers. We then got caught in a huge thunder storm (literally with lightening crashing down around as we tried to get off a ridge which  I insisted on going up in search of elephant). Below are some pictures we managed to take before visibility reduced to a few feet.

We are now at St Lucia - an estuary by the sea which has a big population of hippos and crocodiles - apparently the hippos even wander through the streets in the evening. Once again I managed to bring drought breaking rains with us (yes my skill seems to have followed me to Africa) but we did spend the afternoon on the river watching the hippos (my new favourite animal in Africa).

I hope you like the pictures - we are all well and I am loving seeing the true stars of Africa - it's animals. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics Tanya!

    Good to see the big animals outside of a zoo!

    If only we could see more Land Rovers in their natural habitat...

    Are you planning on posting your GPS way-points?




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