Friday, November 12, 2010

St Lucia- going over the wire!

Whilst I know there has been endless requests for more photos of Larry, be patient, a Center Fold will be coming shortly. Today was our first 'on our own' wild life expose'. We took a walk over the 'wire' into wild country to see what we could see. The warnings add a whole new dimension to bush walking!

I was armed with my trusty pocket knife and car keys ready to repel any cranky wild life. Whilst the walk was generally sedate, we did stumble cross a family of warthogs, who are considered the hooligans of the 'veld'.

We then took a short drive up  forest track and  had to stop for a White Rhino, which was amazing. They realty do look the full 2,000kg when close!

We pulled over to the side of the road to take some pictures of Zebras, and they were so happy to have us there they let us walk up to the mob and pose for photos!

We also got close and personal with a few buffalo, which put on quite a show for the camera ( Sony DSLR using a Minolta 300mm lens with a Polaroid filter and hood).

The whole area is just exploding with animals of all shapes and sizes. We saw a leopard today, but he/she was far too quick for us to get a picture, but the cute fello in the last photo is indicative of what he/she would have been having for supper.

Tomorrow we head North, and I think we will both be sad to leave St has been the best so far.

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