Monday, November 8, 2010

Cape Town to Kwazulu Natal

Well friends, we are in Shuka Rock (Secret Surf Spot). A lot has happened and we have come a long way. Our journey thus far has been Cape Town-Stallenbosch-Oudsthoorn-Wilderness-East London-Port St Johns and now Shuka Rock KZN (about 1500km).

We are both well, and most importantly, Larry is in good spirits (we already have about 100 photos of Larry at different destinations and now Dave is taking photos of other random Land rovers).

Some high lites (low lites):

Capetown-the day we were leaving, I parked Larry outside a store to get some gas, and a charming little chap decided that Tanya was no deterrent to him helping himself to the contents of the cabin. He must have thought she would just sit there....clearly her cougar cat impersonation sent him packing with nothing but injured pride. I am taking the John Howard approach, be Alarmed and not Alert..or is it the other way..what ever I have put my fridge magnet on the dash, and I now feel secure.

Oudsthorn-The ostrich capital of SA...they are delicious. We went adventure caving in Caren Cave, which was hard corps and cool. The 'post box' was an exciting little maneuver, we went head first out of the 27x20cm crack to be deposited on the cave floor in an unceremonious manner, only to find out everyone else went feet first and looked quite composed....I said we were professionals and it was too dangerous for the other to do it like us.

East London-They call it the Detroit of SA, but we got there during Guyfawlkes was way more like Baghdad! The locals shot fireworks at each other all night....kind of entertaining.

Port St Johns-Clearly the pot capital of SA, there was so much passive pot smoke we would both fail urine test for the next month. We got very lost on the way in (#travel tip 2, when setting your GPS routes, be careful not to select the option that include roads that have been closed for at least 10 years). We ended up at the head land of the Werethefuckarewe River. It was very pretty, and I thought I would take a quick video before we turned around. As I was filming a HUGE whale jumped out of the ocean just in front of us...I did catch it on film..but the commentary makes it only suitable for 18+ viewers.

Tanya said nothing else exciting has happened...but I saw a wild rhino on the side of the road. She said it was in a game park, so it was tame. I say I saw if for free, and it was on the side of the road..that makes is a wild. or at least free range.

This photo is the headland where we ended up when we got LOST (which was Tanya's fault)

This is a photo of where we finally ended up!

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