Monday, April 11, 2011

The Last Hoorah

 I have decided to begin this blog with a dedication to the plucky little old Britt who hauled us over 20,000km through this challenging continent.

A reading from the Landrover Owners Manual, Page 2, verse 1: "It is better to have loved and lost a Landy than to never have had one"

To those who don't know, circumstances have forced our hand and our trip will be ending tomorrow. Tanya will be returning to Australia, and I will be staying on for another month....doing some stuff. With a very heavy heart, I have handed the key of Larry to his new owner, who will take him out to his game farm....where he can graze and grow older rolling over the friendly tracks on his farm...kind of like Landy heaven.

We have added some of pictures of our favourite moments, but truth be told, pictures can never capture what an adventure it was to work our way through this amazing continent. We have learnt many hard lessons, and had some experiences that still make me pause to think.... we really did it.

I am sure our lives will never be the same after this amazing journey, but there is one message we would like to share with anyone who will listen..... a trip like this is just not that hard to do, you just have to decide to go!!! Bring on the next adventure .... India in a VW???

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