Friday, April 1, 2011

The desert Namibian style

We have just spent the last 3 days in the Namib desert - the one you see in all the postcards of Namibia but with a bit more green because they have had "heaps" of rain in Namibia. It is hard to believe that you can get that many colours in a desert although it was a little lacking on wildlife for my liking.

We "camped" just outside the Sesrim National Park - well it was technically a tent. Dave reckons I am a disgrace to overlanders.

We spent a couple of days climbing around the red dunes, thinking we were pretty fit running up and down the dunes (well the running was mostly down) until we ran into some ultra marathon runners who were 5 days into a series of daily marathons through the desert. Day 5 was an easy day just 50 odd kilometres through the dunes - yikes. The first placed guy was actually an Aussie who had been breaking all of the records. 

We are getting a little slack and just couldn't seem to make it for any of the sunrise photo shoots of the dunes - just imagine these pictures with a bit more red and I am sure that's what it would have looked like.  From the desert we are heading to cheetah country and then to Etosha National Park to see some more African animals before I head for home.

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