Saturday, March 5, 2011

Northern Zambia

Well we have finally made it into Zambia and the horrendous journey through Western Tanzania already seems a distant memory (well almost). It is the rainy season in Zambia at the moment which means that the national parks are pretty much closed but the waterfalls are looking pretty spectacular.

First stop in Northern Zambia was Kasama which is home to the "national monument" the Chasimba Falls (they call things national monuments in Zambia so they can charge foreigners ridiculous amounts of US$) - not sure how a waterfall classifies as a national monument but Dave managed to negotiate a discounted entry rate.

Next stop along the Great Northern road which I think earns the title "great" for having the biggest potholes in Africa was Kapishya Hot Springs. The springs were a godsend after the bumpy roads and even better we got treated to a thai feast one night and an indian feast the second night by Mel one of the owners of the lodge who is definately the best cook we have come across in Africa. This is one place in Africa that was very hard to leave thanks very much to the hospitality of the owners Mark and Mel and their tribe of dogs (I found it very hard not to smuggle one into Larry).

Montinondo Winderness Lodge was the next stop and as you can see we treated ourselves to a little bit of luxury (at last - sure beats camping!!). Whilst there wasn't much wildlife the scenery was beautiful - it reminded us very much of Giraween National Park. 

We have now made it a bit over 800km to Lusaka the capital of Zambia - our next stop is Livingstone and Victoria Falls which should be pretty spectacular given all the rain (can't wait).

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