Sunday, January 9, 2011

Amboseli National Park - Kenya

Amboseli Park is in Kenya, and in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro. We crossed the border  from Tanzania and scooted straight into the first park we came across. It really is a beautiful park, however, the drive in was a bit rough.

We set up in a 'banda' in the park for a few days and spent our time driving Larry wherever we wanted. This park is infested with elephants, and we have never seen so many happy elephants in one place. I don't think it is an exaggeration to say we could see over 500 elephants on the great plain each evening.

We only were charged at once, and it was by a cranky bull who's heart wasn't really in the chase. He gave up after a few metres. It was a really pleasant change from our elephant experience in Mozambique.

We came across two lion brothers having a snooze in the sun. We have found out that brothers will take on a pride together, sharing the 'Alpha' role in the pride. There is no 'competion' between them and these prides tend to become quite large and powerful; as opposed to a single male who will need to fight off competition on his own.

There are plenty of hyena's in the park, but unlike their buddies in the Serengeti, they tended to be on their own rather than in packs...they also seemed much bigger and fatter!

The park is dominated by Mount Kilimanjaro, and I couldn't resist a Larry photo.

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