Monday, November 22, 2010

Walking with Rhinos

Well we have just had the most amazing 3 days in Hlane National Park in Swaziland (the Swaziland king's park).

The first afternoon we decided to do a guided walk (and for those that have been paying attention we haven't had much luck on guided walks to date). Well it was with much excitement we started out with the expectation of seeing rhinos. Our guide this time apparently didn't need a rifle just a well crafted walking stick was enough.

Well after 2 hours of walking I was beginning to see a similar pattern emerging -  especially when the guide started talking about ant hills and dung beetles but he promised he would find us rhinos and he didn't let us down.  We finally came across a mother and her calf about 20 meters away and then amazingly we walked closer and closer again.

The thing with rhinos is that they have fantastic hearing and smell but their eyesight is very poor so us being downwind allowed us to walk right up to them. We then crouched down and waited and amazingly the mother and calf walked right up to us trying to work out what we were.

Thanks to Dave for taking the photos because I was in total awe that I forgot to take pictures (keep in mind rhinos can weigh up to 2,500kg) - more photos attached now. It was a privilege being able to get up so close to these gentle giants and them not mind our company. Truly a memory that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Amazingly I didn't think it could get any better but the next day was just as good (stay tuned for Dave's blog on our day with elephants and lions).

We are now in Mozambique and never too far from animals (tomorrow it is snorkeling with whale sharks). More adventures to follow I am sure

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