Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lets GO!!!

Well it's only 15 days (21,600 minutes) to go and we are both gagging to get going. Larry is sailing well, having just left Singapore to reach Cape Town on the 28th.
I am in hard corp 'Larry-withdrawl'. Tanya has been placing an oil soaked rag under my pillow at night to ease the anxiety..... all it's done is give me nightmares about oil leaks.

We had our first quality paper-work stuff-up. It is apparently appropriate for the exportation documents to be signed off by Australian Customs BEFORE your car is shipped out. We were summonsed to what looked like a movie set from 'Boarder Protection' to explain why we could not manage what may seem like an obvious step in the process.

We claimed to be retarded... they agreed.....and then approved our paper work. TRAVEL TIP #1: when exporting a car seems too simple; you are doing it wrong.

Tanya put our successful negotiation down to her new good luck charm...a camel on a string. She is sure it is a good talisman, and it will help us on our journey. She plans to keep it close the whole time.

I think customs were right... we are idiots.

We both have send-offs to attend to over the next week. I am not sure my work colleagues are happy for me to have this adventure..or happy to see me go.

I am confident Tanya's colleagues are just pleased to see her go.

1 comment:

  1. On that last point Dave - it's quite the opposite! Remember to share the laptop with Tanya so she gets to write a post or two during the trip ;)


Join us on our adventure